Is your photography or art not generating enough income to keep up with the cost of living? This discussion aims at an audience where finances are an everyday struggle. There are steps you can take to supplement your income to help make ends meet.
Starting an online business selling your niche of a product is a good place to start. This could be selling your unwanted household items on Ebay or perhaps turning a hobby into a profitable business. For example if you make your own jewelry, why not sell your pieces online. There are many services online that offer free space or low cost shop space where you can establish your own mini shop. This would also be ideal if you are an amateur artist or a writer.
Write blogs on topics of interest. Blogger is a free service which allows you to set up many blogs for free. Your blog sites can then be setup with Google adsense or another advertising alternative to help generate a little extra money. This may take some time to establish till your blog becomes more known and is generating ample traffic. There are are also free and inexpensive web hosting sites to set up a website. It is recommended to pay for a low cost web hosting service rather than a free one because free web hosting is quite often very limited.
Participate in online surveys. The payouts may be small but it does add up over time. Normally one must have a minimal amount of dollars to cash out with surveys. Some surveys sites credit you with points which in turn can be converted to cash.
Collecting bottles and cans is another income generator. This may not be everyone's cup of tea but it can generate that extra money needed to pay for those unwanted bills. It is very possible to make hundreds of extra dollars a month with this approach. This can make a huge difference in a low income household.
A newspaper route can also give one a few extra dollars a month. It is usually quite easy to secure work delivering papers because of the availability of openings for this kind of employment. No one really wants to do this type of work for the simple fact that it does pay little. However, it is another choice of making extra income when the purse strings are tight.
Volunteer at your favorite organization or charity. This can sometimes lead to a paying job offer although this does not always work. This helps connect one with others in the workforce with the prospect of obtaining paid employment. A few hours of your time a week could lead to a pay off with real paid work.
In the meantime always keep an eye open for secured full time employment. It is never easy because of the down turn of the economy. Make use of the internet and newspapers for job seeking. Post free classifieds in the employment sections. Mostly importantly, never give up. Stay positive and always look at the bright side of the coin. Perhaps you will even make enough extra money for that new camera you have been wanting.